On the way to a dinner, my boyfriend and I decided to catch some Pokémon. After a couple of encounters, we felt we needed to catch them all on our way to the restaurant. Suddenly, some of our old basic primal instincts as hunters and collectors have been brought back […]
New study published: Severe levels of Game Transfer Phenomena
A new study on the severity of GTP “An empirical examination of factors associated with Game Transfer Phenomena severity” has been published in the Computer in Human Behaviour Journal with my co-authors Ben Oldfield and Mark D. Griffiths. You can download a free copy of the full article until September […]
CyPsy21 Conference in Dublin
A couple of weeks ago I attended and presented my research on “the Game Transfer Phenomena framework” at the 21st Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CyPsy21). The experience was very rich with numerous papers focusing on the use of VR for therapy and a large coverage of topics on cyberbullying […]
My research on Game Transfer Phenomena has reached a new phase!
It is time to move on and continue building dreams… I was very close to find home at the University of Konstanz in Germany last year, when I was a finalist for a Marie Curie fellowship with my postdoc project, but it was not the time yet… Dreams do not […]
GTP in the newspaper El Norte- Vida (México)
Le la nota “Videojuegos: Su effecto mental” por Gabriela Villegas Ramírez en el periódico El Norte en México sección Vida. Tu compañero está platicando contigo y tratas de prestarle atención, pero no puedes dejar de ver unas barras que flotan sobresucabeza,queindican que su energía se están agotando y a ti […]
The five most common types of GTP
In our latest study with over 2,000 self-selected participants 97% reported having experienced GTP at some point in their life. The most (95%) had experienced GTP more than once. Altered visual perceptions The most commonly reported among the visual experiences were visualizing images or seeing images with closed eyes (77%). 77% […]
Game Transfer Phenomena in TV2 Norway
I was interviewed by Torbjørn Brandeggen from TV2 Norway. Read the full news here GTP in CSI:Cyber. Full segment.
Around Bergen? Join my talk
You are very welcome to join us for my lecture on Game Transfer Phenomena, hosted by SLATE (Center for the Science of Learning and Technology) at the University of Bergen. When: 26th of May at 14:00-15:00. Location: University of Bergen, Auditorium 1, Stein Rokkans hus, Nygårdsgaten 5. More information here […]
Video report on GTP, 100,000 views!
Rodrigo Villanueva from LevelUp.com has put together a video report on the latest study about prevalence of GTP. Almost 100,000 people have watched it in just a few days! Check out the gamers’ comments and share your one!
Game Transfer Phenomena: ¿Qué es y cómo nos afecta?
Les comporto el artículo escrito por José Carlos Castillo en FS Gamers. Seguramente os haya ocurrido alguna vez: os despegáis de la pantalla tras horas a los mandos, cerráis los ojos y os sobrevienen instantes de la partida. En otras ocasiones puede que nos asalten melodías o efectos de sonido, súbitamente y en […]