Game Transfer Phenomena in a New York exhibition

The Chart Gallery in New York City is currently exhibiting the installation “Game Transfer Phenomena” by Joshua Caleb Weibley, created in collaboration with Jordan Dykstra. “Game Transfer Phenomena consists of 7 crates made to hold objects derived from Tetris’s 7 Tetromino shapes. The installation takes its name from repetitive gameplay’s […]

Media coverage of Game Transfer Phenomena at psychiatry congress

Our work on Game Transfer Phenomena and gaming disorder at the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists 2023 Congress (RANZCP) in Perth, Australia, was featured in, “Gaming disorder: Gamers may be seeing things that aren’t there” My colleagues Huu Kim Le, Wai Chen, Antony Callan, Daniela Poynton […]

First symposium on Game Transfer Phenomena

Join us for the symposium “Game Transfer Phenomena: An Emerging Field of Study into the Impact of Digital Imagery and Simulations” presented at the British Psychology Society Cyberpsychology Virtual Conference. The 2021 conference theme is Future Directions, Challenges and Opportunities in Cyberpsychology. Date and time: 7th of July at 3:05 […]

Clinical cases: The pain and gain of auditory intrusions with videogame content

For the first time, we have presented clinical cases of Game Transfer Phenomena at a conference. My dear colleague Alex Basche, psychotherapist specialising in problematic media use, and I presented the cases of three young males (10 to 16 years old) who experienced auditory phenomena such as hearing sounds, voices […]

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