Join me and my panellists on the 22nd of June in the symposium The Relevance of Game Transfer Phenomena in the context of Gaming Disorder presented at the 7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA 2022) organized by the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions (ISSBA) and hosted at Nottingham Trent University, where I did my PhD and my GTP baby started to grow up.
Where: Nottingham Trent University, UK.
When: 22nd of June from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
My colleagues Alex Basche (USA), Andrzej Cudo and Emilia Zabielska-Mendyk (Poland), Julio Llamas-Alonso (Mexico) and I are going to present five studies.
Presentation topics:
- Predictors of Gaming Disorder and Game Transfer Phenomena: Psychopathological factors and gaming habits.
- Positive schizotypy and internet gaming addiction as predictors of Game Transfer Phenomena in daily life: A diary study.
- Relationship between self-control dimensions, emotional regulation and problematic gaming: the mediating role of the Game Transfer Phenomena.
- Game Transfer Phenomena as a mediator between motives for gaming, game features and problematic videogame Playing.
- Proposed Methodology for assessing Game Transfer Phenomena in clinical contexts.
The conference includes over 50 different presentations on topics related to behavioural addictions.
Follow the link to register: http://icba.mat.org.hu/2022/
Abstract of the symposium
Background: Problematic video game playing can be addressed from two perspectives: gaming disorder (GD), focusing on excessive, dysfunctional/uncontrollable playing, or Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP), targeting how playing impacts players’ perceptions, cognition and behaviours. Unlike GD, GTP are common among non-clinical players and usually do not provoke dysfunction. However, negative consequences occur when GTP manifests recurrently, under certain circumstances and with specific content. The relevance of examining GTP in the GD context is clear via i) the potential to identify factors that contribute to the maintenance of GD symptoms and relapse, ii) the resemblance of certain forms of GTP with sensory disturbances as side effects of hallucinogens/alcohol withdrawal and iii) the evident failure to inhibit sensory/cognitive game content and impulses towards game-related stimuli in everyday life.
Methods: Five studies collected quantitative and qualitative data via online questionnaires, digital diaries and clinical cases. Participants were males aged 10 to 45.
Results: The studies covered i) associations and comparisons between GD and GTP, ii) GTP frequency and association with psychopathological factors, iii) the mediating role of GTP on the relationship between GD and self-control, and emotion regulation, iv) the mediating role of GTP on game features (e.g. rewards) and motivation for playing that may maintain problematic video game playing, and v) the benefits of assessing GTP in psychotherapy.
Conclusions: The implications and contributions of the studies covered in the symposium will be discussed in the GD context.