Game transfer Phenomena after playing Pokémon video games

“When playing Pokémon, I would suddenly run into long grass hoping to find some rare animals there” Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) have been reported in over 400 unique titles. These include both old and modern video games. I think we will hear GTP experiences from gamers playing Pokémon GO as […]

Applying game strategies to real life situations out of the blue

Playing a video game is a demanding visuomotor activity. It requires processing of a variety of sensory stimuli and puts in practice cognitive, perceptual and motoric skills. Training with video games for specific purpose have demonstrated to enhance numerous skills, particularly “serious games” or “good games” which are used for […]

GTP Adventures – Your steps are limited

Have you found yourself automatically applying the logic of the game in real life? This has happened to some gamers. This type of experience appears to have occurred typically in relation with repetitive activities in the game. For example turn based games where you need to count steps and wait […]

Google Glasses withdrawal: Tech-induced dyskinesia?

Have you ever tapped your fingers to the rhythm of a song or moved your feet reproducing the steps from Step Mania? What is the seductive nature of the repetitive movements we engage in our daily lives? An intriguing case study reported by Yung, Eickhoff, Davis, Klam and Doan [1] has taken […]

Summary of the automatic mental processes & behaviours GTP study

“Video games have become a matter of emotional touch, evoking not just sensations but lasting emotive imprints, which hold for the gamer many of the same characteristics as memorable real life experiences”. I wrote this in 2007, back then I would not imagine that my research years later would echo […]