New publication: Game Transfer Phenomena & dissociation

In our “Letter to the Editor for ‘Current Addiction Reports’—Game Transfer Phenomena and Dissociation: a Reply to Guglielmucci et al. (2019)” me and my colleague Professor Mark D. Griffiths raised questions regarding the implications of the conceptualisation of GTP as dissociative phenomena by Guglielmucci et al. in their literature review […]

Chapter on Game Transfer Phenomena in The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology

My chapter “Game Transfer Phenomena: Origin, Development, and Contributions to the Video Game Research Field” in The Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology, edited by Alison Attrill-Smith, Chris Fullwood, Melanie Keep, and Daria J. Kuss is now available online. This chapter encompasses a detailed overview of research conducted on GTP. The chapter […]

Highlights of Game Transfer Phenomena in 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019! I hope this year you give yourself time to do at least one of the things that fill your life with happiness, but you have postponed for a while! 2018 was the year where I focused my energy on spreading the knowledge of GTP among my […]

Embracing pseudo-hallucinatory phenomena induced by playing video games

Bright and fast-moving particles of colours that appear and disappear with booming sounds like fireworks easily captivate our senses. Have you ever noticed that after playing video games, you continue to experience sensations related to the game even when you’re not playing? Video game playing seems to enhance our senses […]

Game Transfer Phenomena in a scholarly book about senses

“A lively and unconventional exploration of our senses, how they work, what is revealed when they don’t, and how they connect us to the world”. Our Senses: An Immersive Experience by Robert DeSalle, Yale University Press. DeSalle’s book is deep-dive into the evolution of our senses, very much recommended! I’m […]

Finding common ground in the research on Game Transfer Phenomena

Playing video games as a novel visuomotor activity has been used in experimental studies by Stickgold et al. (2000) [1], Wamsley et al. (2010) [2] and Kusse, et al. (2012)[3] to understand the continuity between awake and sleep experiences, memory consolidation and learning. These studies have focused on investigating “hypnagogic […]

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