Finding common ground in the research on Game Transfer Phenomena

Playing video games as a novel visuomotor activity has been used in experimental studies by Stickgold et al. (2000) [1], Wamsley et al. (2010) [2] and Kusse, et al. (2012)[3] to understand the continuity between awake and sleep experiences, memory consolidation and learning. These studies have focused on investigating “hypnagogic […]

Controlling spontaneous visuals from video games

Gamers have reported a variety of visual Game Transfer Phenomena experiences. These include perceptual distortions of objects or environments, mind visualizations and pseudo-hallucinations where gamers have seen images from the game floating in the back of their eyelids or in front of their eyes. Interestingly, while many gamers have simply […]

GTP Adventures- Becoming religious!

Visualizing or seeing video game images with closed eyes has been one of the most common experiences reported by gamers in the GTP studies to date (1,2). In fact, in a survey with a self-selected sample of over 2,000 gamers, 77% reported such phenomenon (2). Recurrent afterimages of game elements […]

Some of the most commonly reported visual experiences

A large variety of video game elements and types of altered visual perceptions have been reported by gamers (1,2) See the table for a comparison of the prevalence of GTP in non-AR games and in Pokémon Go. Here are examples of some of the more common visual experiences (1, 2) […]