Game Transfer Phenomena was covered in the Red Bulletin magazine regarding the Tetris film on Apple TV+. Read the article on page 80.
Game Transfer Phenomena was covered in the Red Bulletin magazine regarding the Tetris film on Apple TV+. Read the article on page 80.
“I played for five minutes, I still see falling blocks in my dreams” The above is a line from the trailer for the “Tetris” movie. Jeffrey Goldsmith, described the Tetris Effect in Wired 1994: The Tetris effect is a biochemical, reductionistic metaphor, if you will, for curiosity, invention, the creative […]
Playing video games as a novel visuomotor activity has been used in experimental studies by Stickgold et al. (2000) [1], Wamsley et al. (2010) [2] and Kusse, et al. (2012)[3] to understand the continuity between awake and sleep experiences, memory consolidation and learning. These studies have focused on investigating “hypnagogic […]
Visualizing or seeing video game images with closed eyes has been one of the most common experiences reported by gamers in the GTP studies to date (1,2). In fact, in a survey with a self-selected sample of over 2,000 gamers, 77% reported such phenomenon (2). Recurrent afterimages of game elements […]
Some gamers have reported hearing music from the game when lying in bed, which could provoke sleep deprivation. On some occasions the music was so loud that they actually thought it came from the game, causing some of them to stand up and checking out the gaming device. Click here to […]
Tetris, happy belated 30th birthday! Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
In this comic, I have tried to portray two ways to interpret GTP. Which one do you think is the best? Maybe this is not your case but which situation do you think can help a gamer who is worried about his/her GTP experiences? Scenario 1 – negative interpretation Scenario 2 […]
Happy New Year 2014!!! My best wishes. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.