Clinical cases: The pain and gain of auditory intrusions with videogame content

For the first time, we have presented clinical cases of Game Transfer Phenomena at a conference. My dear colleague Alex Basche, psychotherapist specialising in problematic media use, and I presented the cases of three young males (10 to 16 years old) who experienced auditory phenomena such as hearing sounds, voices […]

Animal Crossing: Expanding the horizons of my daily life

Blog published in Gamasutra Animal Crossing: New Horizons is set in an aesthetically engaging biotic environment of multisensory abundance.  Join me as I describe my indulgences in Animal Crossing, which have resulted in Game Transfer Phenomena permeating my everyday life. Hello hello! Animal Crossing just got me! Since I started […]

Make your voice heard! COVID-19 & video games

Contribute to the science of video games. Participate in our studies. The aim of these studies is to understand people’s responses to the exposure to digital media to inform and demystify spontaneous sensory perceptions, cognition and behaviours experienced after playing video games, so-called Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP). The coronavirus outbreak […]

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