Comunicado de prensa- Estudio acerca de la prevalencia del GTP

Un gran número de jugadores reportó haber experimentado imágenes, sonidos y sensaciones después de jugar video juegos  Casi todos los encuestados que respondieron el cuestionario de Fenómenos de transferencia del juego o su nombre en inglés Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) reportaron haber experimentado alguna experiencia, ya sea imágenes, sonidos o […]

Applying game strategies to real life situations out of the blue

Playing a video game is a demanding visuomotor activity. It requires processing of a variety of sensory stimuli and puts in practice cognitive, perceptual and motoric skills. Training with video games for specific purpose have demonstrated to enhance numerous skills, particularly “serious games” or “good games” which are used for […]

Controlling spontaneous visuals from video games

Gamers have reported a variety of visual Game Transfer Phenomena experiences. These include perceptual distortions of objects or environments, mind visualizations and pseudo-hallucinations where gamers have seen images from the game floating in the back of their eyelids or in front of their eyes. Interestingly, while many gamers have simply […]

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