Quel effet psychologique des jeux vidéo et de la réalité virtuelle? “Quand je jouais beaucoup à World of Warcraft… je commençais à voir des barres de vie au-dessus de la tête des gens” […]
Game Transfer Phenomena is moving to a new home!

Moving from UK… I will miss many things from Nottingham, the city of Robin Hood! A colourful multicultural, breathing and living city! A city that I witnessed getting developed during the last couple of years. I’m happy and proud when I look back at my time in Nottingham. During the […]
Game Transfer Phenomena in BBC’s Digital Human
Is technology haunting us? Or we are haunting it? Aleks Krotoski wonders. Traditional definitions of what is alive seem limited! Toys dance, cry, smile; advanced technologies are “smart”, and trick us making us feel they are present and even alive. Traces from virtual immersion appear and people see and hear […]
Participate in a survey about Pokémon Go!
Looking for Pokémon Go players for a new study! Please help us by answering this survey focusing on Pokémon Go & Game Transfer Phenomena. The aim is to investigate the impact of the Augmented Reality game Pokémon GO on gamers´ well-being and Game Transfer Phenomena. You should be at least 18 […]
Talk: Game Transfer Phenomena- Foro Internacional del Juego (DEVHR6)
A couple of weeks ago, I gave a talk at the DEVHR6 -Foro International del Juego. I really appreciated this invitation, since I consider it indispensable to build communication bridges between the different spheres involved in video games and learn from our different perspectives. Here you can watch my talk I specially prepared […]
Game Transfer Phenomena: The Original AR!?
I just found out about the article “Game Transfer Phenomena: The original AR” by Sophie Turner. It was published in the magazine Unwinnable that covers video game culture, art and more. This edition is on The Body Horror. It is a magazine I will follow! Thanks for this Sophie! I like that […]
Game Transfer Phenomenon en DEVHR
Entusiasmada en apoyar el talento mexicano y compartir mi investigación del Game Transfer Phenomenon en el DEVHR6 el Foro International de Juego con mis anfitriones mexicanos! Este es uno de los eventos más importantes de los desarrolladores de video juegos en México. Talleres, conferencias y mas. Del 22 al 25 de Septiembre. […]
Seminar on Game Transfer Phenomena at UDEM
Seminar on Game Transfer Phenomena, this time at my alma mater UDEM (University of Monterrey). “Game Transfer Phenomena: Cuando los video juegos brincan a tu realidad con alucinaciones, pensamientos y comportamientos involuntarios”
Game transfer Phenomena after playing Pokémon video games
“When playing Pokémon, I would suddenly run into long grass hoping to find some rare animals there” Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) have been reported in over 400 unique titles. These include both old and modern video games. I think we will hear GTP experiences from gamers playing Pokémon GO as […]
Pokémon GO is reviving old memories and creating new ones
On the way to a dinner, my boyfriend and I decided to catch some Pokémon. After a couple of encounters, we felt we needed to catch them all on our way to the restaurant. Suddenly, some of our old basic primal instincts as hunters and collectors have been brought back […]