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Comunicado de prensa- Estudio acerca de la prevalencia del GTP
Un gran número de jugadores reportó haber experimentado imágenes, sonidos y sensaciones después de jugar video juegos Casi todos los encuestados que respondieron el cuestionario de Fenómenos de transferencia del juego o su nombre en inglés Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) reportaron haber experimentado alguna experiencia, ya sea imágenes, sonidos o […]
Press release- Study on the prevalence of GTP
Many video gamers experience images, sounds and sensations from games in their real worlds Almost all video gamers who responded to an online survey about ‘Game Transfer Phenomena’ claimed to have experienced some form of it – with images, sounds or urges from their games being transferred into their real […]
The Game Transfer Phenomena Scale
Abstract A variety of instruments have been developed to assess different dimensions of playing video games and its effects on cognitions, affect, and behaviors. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale (GTPS) that assesses nonvolitional phenomena experienced after playing video games (i.e., altered perceptions, […]
Game Transfer Phenomena and its associated factors: Online survey
Abstract Previous qualitative and quantitative studies examining Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) have demonstrated that GTP experiences are common. These studies have shown that many gamers report altered perceptions, involuntary thoughts and behaviors after playing video games (e.g., pseudo-hallucinatory experiences, automatic motor activations, etc.). However, the factors associated with GTP are […]
Summary of the study Auditory Experiences in Game Transfer Phenomena
This is a summary of the most recent study into Game Transfer Phenomena, focusing on auditory experiences, published a week ago in the International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL)
New Study published- Altered auditory perception in Game Transfer Phenomena

Abstract This study investigated gamers’ auditory experiences as after effects of playing. This was done by classifying, quantifying, and analysing 192 experiences from 155 gamers collected from online videogame forums. The gamers’ experiences were classified as: (i) involuntary auditory imagery (e.g., hearing the music, sounds or voices from the game), […]
Summary of the automatic mental processes & behaviours GTP study
“Video games have become a matter of emotional touch, evoking not just sensations but lasting emotive imprints, which hold for the gamer many of the same characteristics as memorable real life experiences”. I wrote this in 2007, back then I would not imagine that my research years later would echo […]
Nuevo estudio – Pensamientos y comportamientos en GTP (Spanish version)
El nuevo estudio del Game Transfer Phenomena demuestra como los pensamientos y el comportamiento son influidos por jugar video juegos. Algunos jugadores han experimentado pensamientos intrusivos, y respondido a objetos y eventos después de jugar de la misma manera que lo hacen en el juego. Esto incluyo reacciones exageradas, evitar […]
Last chance to download the visual paper for free
This is the last month you can download the paper about altered visual experiences for free. Download your copy here.