Game Transfer Phenomena in a New York exhibition

The Chart Gallery in New York City is currently exhibiting the installation “Game Transfer Phenomena” by Joshua Caleb Weibley, created in collaboration with Jordan Dykstra. “Game Transfer Phenomena consists of 7 crates made to hold objects derived from Tetris’s 7 Tetromino shapes. The installation takes its name from repetitive gameplay’s […]


Re-experiencing sounds, images, and tactile sensations from video games or mobile phones are common among gamers, a new study showed. Younger adults appeared to be more susceptible to intrusions with video game content, intrusive thoughts and hallucinations. The study, carried out by Dr Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari, a lead […]

Game Transfer Phenomena in an EU report on the Metaverse challenges

The report “Metaverse” by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the JURI Committee mentioned my research on Game Transfer Phenomena among the challenges and opportunities of interactive media technologies. In his report, Mariusz Maciejewski highlights concerns about violent game content in […]

Podcast: Addressing Game Transfer Phenomena in clinical practice

Over the recent years, my colleague Alex Basche, an experienced psychotherapist (LMFT) based in San Francisco – Reset From Tech, and I have presented multiple clinical cases involving gaming disorder and Game Transfer phenomena at various conferences. Our goal, with the aid of our combined expertise and research, is to […]

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