Some of the most commonly reported visual experiences

A large variety of video game elements and types of altered visual perceptions have been reported by gamers (1,2) See the table for a comparison of the prevalence of GTP in non-AR games and in Pokémon Go. Here are examples of some of the more common visual experiences (1, 2) […]

Absurd associations carried over from video games

I just found this video on Kotaku, originally created by BuzzFeedVideo. Check it out, is pretty funny and creative, and in fact it comes in handy to help me explain GTP experiences that occur by associations between real life stimuli and video game experiences. There are a bunch of in-game activities such as searching […]

Press release: Qualitative study on altered visual perceptions

Here you can read the press release we put out about the latest study. “Study shows how video gamers experience altered visual perceptions after playing” Some video gamers experience altered visual perceptions after playing, new research has shown. The study, published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, has been […]

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