Let me start by going back more than ten years in time, when I was an undergraduate psychology student. At that time, internet was not easily accessible as nowadays. Internet got introduced at my university’s computer lab and many including myself stuck to the screens like leeches. Around that time I […]
History of GTP – Part 1: Deciding the research path
Four years have passed since I started researching about what is now called Game Transfer Phenomena. These last years have been very intensive and time has flown away. Here is a cartoon that portray the start of the GTP journey. In the coming weeks I will tell you more.
GTP Adventures- Shopping Tetris style
Tetris, happy belated 30th birthday! Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
Article about GTP in Gamer.nl
Here is an article about GTP especially for my Dutch friends. “Hoe games onze hersenen beïnvloeden” written by Bas Bastiaans at Gamer.nl Het effect van games beperkt zich niet alleen tot de huiskamer, de slaapkamer of de wc. Het kan ons hele leven beïnvloeden: onze perceptie, onze dromen en zelfs ons […]
GTP Adventures- Sweet car crash!
Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP Adventures- Collecting bobby pins for Fallout
Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP adventure- Katamari forever!
Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP Adventures – Useless R1 button
Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP Adventures – Red overload
By cyberpsyke | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
Summary of the automatic mental processes & behaviours GTP study
“Video games have become a matter of emotional touch, evoking not just sensations but lasting emotive imprints, which hold for the gamer many of the same characteristics as memorable real life experiences”. I wrote this in 2007, back then I would not imagine that my research years later would echo […]