Informing about GTP and demystifying gamers’ experiences is the main purpose of the research project about GTP. Read this well written and thoughtful piece about GTP written by Samit Saknar in Polygon. “A great video game, like any worthwhile piece of art, will stick with you. When you’re playing it, nothing […]
The intrusiveness of GTP in Psychology Today
Read the interesting piece by Professor Ira Hyman where he talks about the intrusiveness of GTP. “Video Games Invade the Real World”. When the video game invades your mind and moves into the real world. Turning off the videogame may not end the game. People continue thinking about the game and […]
Article about GTP in
Here is an article about GTP especially for my Dutch friends. “Hoe games onze hersenen beïnvloeden” written by Bas Bastiaans at Het effect van games beperkt zich niet alleen tot de huiskamer, de slaapkamer of de wc. Het kan ons hele leven beïnvloeden: onze perceptie, onze dromen en zelfs ons […]
Subscribe to the GTP YouTube channel
You are welcome to visit and subscribe to my GTP YouTube channel. Here I have compiled a large collection of videos related to GTP, news about GTP and my own videos about GTP. News about GTP Fun and creative videos related to GTP My own videos about GTP
A funny surprise in Level Magazine
What a pleasant surprise my boyfriend got when visiting Sweden. He bought a copy of his favorite Swedish game magazine “Level” (as he usually does when visiting Sweden) and found an article about Game Transfer Phenomena, “Are you a super human? Good edition to add to his collection. This is […]
TV news: TeleDiario – Cuando la fantasía brinca del televisor a la realidad
Click Here
Read about GTP in Spanish- University of Monterrey (UDEM)
A muchos jóvenes les ha pasado que el tiempo se les hace agua frente a un juego de video, pero algunos de ellos, cuando van a la calle o a dormir, siguen avistando soluciones a acertijos o la estructura de pasillos de algún first-person shooter. Read more…
GTP article in the New Scientist

My research on Game Transfer Phenomena was featured in the New Scientist 23/31 December 2011. “Game of life” by Sally Adee. You can read the online version of the article “Level-up life: how gaming can enhance your reality” IT WAS mid-January and the roads in New York were slick with […]
BBC "Click" – Podcast: Violence & video games
Click here to hear the program “Click” from BBC World Service (right-click to download). This particular show was about violence and video games, where I was invited to talk about GTP. The second part of my participation starts at 19:10. Introduction to the first of the show: “Just how damaging are violent video games […]