Some gamers have found themselves getting used to have certain video game elements that provide them useful functions in the game, and some have gotten confused (for some moments) when they do not have such elements in real life. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP Adventures- Dance Dance class Revolution!
Some gamers have engaged in the execution of body movements as the ones in the game for amusement. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
Google Glass 'addiction' & links to Game Transfer Phenomena (The Sciences of us) Your Google Glasses Might Make You Hallucinate a Little Visit my previous post for more: Google Glasses withdrawal: Tech-induced dyskinesia?
Google Glasses withdrawal: Tech-induced dyskinesia?
Have you ever tapped your fingers to the rhythm of a song or moved your feet reproducing the steps from Step Mania? What is the seductive nature of the repetitive movements we engage in our daily lives? An intriguing case study reported by Yung, Eickhoff, Davis, Klam and Doan [1] has taken […]
GTP Adventures- Guitar Hero frets in your eyes
A stimulus in one sensory modality (e.g., auditory) triggered perceiving video game elements in another sensory modality (in this case, visual). These cross-sensorial associations can be understood as “artificial synaesthesia” or induced synaesthesia. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
BBC 5 live – Auditory hallucinations
Listen to our discussion about auditory GTP experiences. It starts around the 17th minute. Click here to listen.
GTP adventures- The faster the better
Some gamers have reported experiencing thoughts or urges to do something as in the game when they found certain object that reminded them of their gaming experiences, in other cases gamers have experienced short moments of lack of awareness or dissociation and have actually approached RL objects with the intention […]
GTP Adventures- Strafing your way home
Some gamers have reported that after prolonged video game sessions of First Person Shooter games they have found themselves moving or felt the urge to move as in the game, such as strafing. Here you can watch some typical FPS moves. This video is a very fun parody about “Living […]
GTP Adventures – Watch dogs saved me
Some gamers have heard and/or seen something from the game when doing daily activities. These experiences led to some good laughs, but some people got scared. However, in other cases the arising of video games elements in the physical context have helped the gamers to deal with real life situations, […]
BBC radio interview – When game sounds get stuck
Listen to BBC radio’s interview with me about the auditory study.