Have you ever tapped your fingers to the rhythm of a song or moved your feet reproducing the steps from Step Mania? What is the seductive nature of the repetitive movements we engage in our daily lives? An intriguing case study reported by Yung, Eickhoff, Davis, Klam and Doan [1] has taken […]
GTP Adventures – Discussing visual experiences
In this comic, I have tried to portray two ways to interpret GTP. Which one do you think is the best? Maybe this is not your case but which situation do you think can help a gamer who is worried about his/her GTP experiences? Scenario 1 – negative interpretation Scenario 2 […]
The fixated nature of the brain and Game Transfer Phenomena

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of repetition. There’s something about how we as humans derive joy from doing things over and over again that has always intrigued me, from the simple pleasures of throwing a ball back and forth to the more […]
Intrusive Xbox Achievements
Apparently Microsoft has applied for a television-based achievements patent!!! Watching live TV through the console may become interactive and rewarding. Viewers will be awarded and achievements could be obtained by watching certain TV programs or by interacting with advertisement content using the peripheral sensor input device Kinect, which reads user […]
Reflections inspired by the GTP news
The first GTP study has awakened some thoughts. Different interpretations and reactions have come to light. Some articles about the study are positive, other are negative and alarmist. Some of my favourites articles include: “Consensus hallucinations” by Sally Adee. “Wishing games could indeed warp reality” by Jason Hill, “Fantasy and […]