It is time to move on and continue building dreams… I was very close to find home at the University of Konstanz in Germany last year, when I was a finalist for a Marie Curie fellowship with my postdoc project, but it was not the time yet… Dreams do not […]
Around Bergen? Join my talk
You are very welcome to join us for my lecture on Game Transfer Phenomena, hosted by SLATE (Center for the Science of Learning and Technology) at the University of Bergen. When: 26th of May at 14:00-15:00. Location: University of Bergen, Auditorium 1, Stein Rokkans hus, Nygårdsgaten 5. More information here […]
Talk – GTP at PubhD
Join us on 17th June at the PubhD event! Sharing the floor with two PhD students, I will talk about my PhD thesis about Game Transfer Phenomena. I will share how the research into GTP started until where I am now. Join us for refreshing conversations and a pint! Location: The […]
Video Game music – Manufactured memories for sharing
A couple of weeks ago, I went to the concert “Video Games Live”. It was fantastic! 100% recommended (by the way, in March next year they will be in Birmingham, UK). The concert made me reflect about the power of video game music as a unique music genre that can […]
PhD baby delivered!
I just submitted my PhD baby! This is the first stage of a few months process toward obtaining my title as a doctor and being able to share the final version of my thesis about Game Transfer Phenomena.
Happy New Year 2013!
Many many years ago, I was looking for my path in life. I needed to travel far away from home to realize how important it was to have a goal in life in order to make my dreams become true. Thanks to all that with your colourful, spontaneous, critical insights about […]
Game City Nights
Thanks to Game City Nights for the opportunity to present my research to the gaming community at the latest Game City Nights event. “GameCityNights are an after-dark exploration of videogames and the culture surrounding them. They aim to fit the best parts of the GameCity festival into a single evening” […]