Happy New Year 2014!!! My best wishes. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP adventures- Automatic Thoughts: Half-Life
Merry Christmas!!! Feliz Navidad!!! God Jul!!! Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP article in The Punk Effect
Read the article “Game Transfer Phenomena: When your brain just won’t stop playing” covered by Hugo Aranzaes in The Punk Effect
GTP adventures – Seeing coins in trees: Mario Bros
By cyberpsyke | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP adventures- Misperceptions: TNT from Minecraft
I have just started a new project for portraying Game Transfer Phenomena experiences in cartoons. I’m having a lot of fun and I intend to create one GTP adventure per week. You are very welcome to read and share you own experiences by creating cartoons. Toondoo seems very useful for […]
The fixated nature of the brain and Game Transfer Phenomena

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of repetition. There’s something about how we as humans derive joy from doing things over and over again that has always intrigued me, from the simple pleasures of throwing a ball back and forth to the more […]
Video games’ visual effects leaking into our reality
There are still no holograms or touch interfaces that float in front our eyes, and the Google glasses are just a small step on the way. No artificial technology is needed, only the most powerful machinery never invented, the human mind! Suddenly the real scenery of some gamers appeared tinted […]
Research invading my life!
After putting hours and hours analysing gamers’ experiences about GTP, I should confess I got excited when walking in London and found the “Wardour Street”. I jumped! My mother, aunt and my boyfriend were wondering what was going on with me…“the gamer’s, the gamer’s experience…” I said… hehe…This was the street […]
Intrusive Xbox Achievements
Apparently Microsoft has applied for a television-based achievements patent!!! Watching live TV through the console may become interactive and rewarding. Viewers will be awarded and achievements could be obtained by watching certain TV programs or by interacting with advertisement content using the peripheral sensor input device Kinect, which reads user […]
A funny surprise in Level Magazine
What a pleasant surprise my boyfriend got when visiting Sweden. He bought a copy of his favorite Swedish game magazine “Level” (as he usually does when visiting Sweden) and found an article about Game Transfer Phenomena, “Are you a super human? Good edition to add to his collection. This is […]