This is a summary of the most recent study into Game Transfer Phenomena, focusing on auditory experiences, published a week ago in the International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning (IJCBPL)
New Study published- Altered auditory perception in Game Transfer Phenomena

Abstract This study investigated gamers’ auditory experiences as after effects of playing. This was done by classifying, quantifying, and analysing 192 experiences from 155 gamers collected from online videogame forums. The gamers’ experiences were classified as: (i) involuntary auditory imagery (e.g., hearing the music, sounds or voices from the game), […]
GTP Adventures – Losing height after playing
Some gamers have felt shorter, taller or bigger shortly after stopping playing. Perceptual and priming mechanisms appear to be involved. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP Adventures- Tags appearing over people's heads
Some gamers have seen text boxes, power bars or tags above people’s heads. This pseudo-hallucinatory like experiences appear to be triggered by automatic associations between video game elements and real life objects. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
Touching the core reasons behind GTP research
Informing about GTP and demystifying gamers’ experiences is the main purpose of the research project about GTP. Read this well written and thoughtful piece about GTP written by Samit Saknar in Polygon. “A great video game, like any worthwhile piece of art, will stick with you. When you’re playing it, nothing […]
GTP Adventures – Healing plants in Walmart
Some gamers have found themselves suddenly trying to get something in real life for use in the game. Memories and thoughts from the game get mixed up with the ones from real life, and confusions can arise between who said what (e.g., video game characters or real persons) or where […]
GTP adventures- Paying with bottle caps
Some gamers have said something involuntarily as a response to real life stimuli similarly as in the game. Bottle caps are the standard currency in Fallout. Searching for bottle caps in Fallout. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.
GTP adventures – When the music get stuck in your head
Some gamers have reported hearing music from the game when lying in bed, which could provoke sleep deprivation. On some occasions the music was so loud that they actually thought it came from the game, causing some of them to stand up and checking out the gaming device. Click here to […]
GTP adventures- Overtime, overtime!
Some gamers have heard voices in their heads as inner speech with contents of the game triggered by real life stimuli (e.g., objects, sound, or events). Follow this link to hear the voice from Team fortress 2 saying “overtime”, “over time”, “over time”! Click here to visit the collection of GTP […]
GTP Adventures- Monster warning!
Some gamers have suddenly heard sounds from the game coming from nowhere, which have resulted in illogical thoughts and behaviours. Follow this link to hear the sound the radio in Silent Hill 2 makes when a monster is close by. Click here to visit the collection of GTP adventures.