One of my favorite ads;)
Game City Nights
Thanks to Game City Nights for the opportunity to present my research to the gaming community at the latest Game City Nights event. “GameCityNights are an after-dark exploration of videogames and the culture surrounding them. They aim to fit the best parts of the GameCity festival into a single evening” […]
Participate in the new GTP study
The goal of the GTP project is to clarify and demystified phenomenological players’ experiences in order to maximized the benefits of interactive media. As well as understand automatic mental, physiological and behaviour process that can be relevant in different areas of the sciences. The purpose of this survey is to […]
Skyrim Skills IRL
Top 5 ways to tell you've been playing too much Deus Ex
Heavy rain- Menus IRL
Some players have reported organizing real life information using video game menus as mind visualization or actually seeing video games elements overlaying real life objects.
Super hero adventures-Skyrim
The Starcraft effect song
This song include different GTP experiences. Follow the lyrics. “Starcraft effecty” by Jude. The Tetris Effect is a mental phenomenon Comes from playing way too much it seems Falling blocks will follow you all day long Even showing up inside your dreams But me I dream of siege tanks and […]