Our new study, “Adaptation of the Game Transfer Phenomena Scale into Spanish: Sensory-Perceptual Changes, Intrusive Thoughts, and Involuntary Behaviors in Mexican Video Game Players”, with a validation of the Game Transfer Phenomena scale with 20 items in a population of Mexican video game players has been published in Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD), edited by the Centros de Integración Juvenil A.C in Mexico.
After 12 years of the first publication of GTP in a scientific journal, this is the first publication in an international journal with Spanish as the primary language.
Thanks to my colleague Andrzej Cudo for his input and work on this study!
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Main findings
- The Spanish version of GTPS was used on a sample of Mexican video game players, and it is a reliable and valid method to assess GTP in the Mexican context.
- The prevalence of GTP was high in the Mexican sample (96%).
- The most common GTP experiences reported were in the auditory modality.
- GTP was correlated with gaming frequency, session duration, and number of game genres played.
- Participants who played certain games had higher GTP scores, suggesting that some video game characteristics may facilitate GTP.
- Experiencing GTP more than once may be more meaningful for establishing the prevalence of GTP. However, a complete-responses theory analysis of the GTPS items would need to be carried out again on a different sample to be sure this is the right direction before deciding to remove the “once” response from the scale response.
- Players who played specific genres (e.g., action games, adventure games,
first-person shooter games) had higher scores in all the subscales of GTP.