GTP research projects goes worldwide
2019 was the year when more researchers than ever started to investigate GTP around the world. Several projects on GTP are ongoing, including in the UK, Ireland, Italy, USA, Canada, Philippines, and Taiwan.
New schools joined our project on esports in Nordic Schools (esportsNS) where we are also investigating GTP. We started collaborating with Learn2Esport, a Swedish company that provides an educational platform for esports.
I also had the pleasure to accidentally come across student projects on GTP during some conferences and events I attended.
Click here to learn more about some of the ongoing projects on GTP.
Hopefully, many of these studies will be published in 2020. Exciting!
I presented “Transfer of Gaming Experiences: Considering the Impact of Game Design Beyond Gameplay” at the Develop: Brighton conference.

I was also part of the article “Woman’s hour” covered by MCV/Develop together with all the talented women at the Develop:Brighton conference. In the article I expressed the goal of my participation at the conference:
“The main goal of my research is to inform and demystify GTP to avoid wrong and negative interpretation, as well as to raise awareness on the potential impact and applications of GTP[…] I’m interested in spreading the results of my research among those that can directly obtain benefit from it. There is usually a divide between academia and the industry and it is my intention with my talk to build a bridge between these worlds.”
gtp experiences SHARED BY GAMERS
This year several gamers discussed their GTP experiences online. Here are some of my favourites.
I finally had time to read my copy of the sci-fi book “Planet Alt-Sete-Nine – The Lost Princess”, which immerses us in an adventure of conflicting realities; the real world and the game world.
B.J. Neblett builds up the erratic behaviour of his main character inspired by the findings in the research on Game Transfer Phenomena.
The story effectively resonates the concerns and opinions about video games and Game Transfer Phenomena.

It caught me by surprise that GTP was featured in a report by Lloyd’s as “reality-blurring psychotic feature”, so I contacted the insurance agency for clarification.
Here is some media articles featuring GTP. The perception of GTP in 2019 was around concerns on video games and VR, articles about dreams, hallucinations and drugs, virtual embodiment and identity, and applications of GTP in therapeutic settings.
- When videogame experiences become part of everyday life
- Have You Ever Suffered From ‘The Tetris Effect’?
- The Truth About Video Games and Violent Crime
- My avatar, my self
- Jugar ya no será un problema: MAD Lions E.C. y la Policía Nacional crean la primera guía de seguridad para gamers
- Will Virtual Reality Replace The Need For Hallucinogens?
- “It should be critically inquired what the consequences of continuous work in virtual environments may be.”
- The Tetris Effect and Sleep
- Is Your Husband Spending too Much Time Playing Video Games?
- Game Transfer Phenomenon, Symptoms of “Hallucinations of Gamers” We Often Don’t Realize
Academic publications
Some publications on GTP made it out before the end of last year, several are still under review.
Ortiz de Gortari, A. B., & Griffiths, M. D. (2019). Letter to the Editor for ‘Current Addiction Reports’—Game Transfer Phenomena and Dissociation: a Reply to Guglielmucci et al. (2019). Current Addiction Reports.
Ortiz de Gortari, A. B (2019). Game Transfer Phenomena: Origin, development and contributions to the videogame research field. In A. Attrill-Smith, C. Fullwood, M. Keep & D. Kuss (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Cyberpsychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Ortiz de Gortari A. B. (2019). Characteristics of Game Transfer phenomena in location-based augmented reality games. In Vladimir Geroimenko (Eds.), Augmented Reality Games I: Understanding the Pokémon Go Phenomenon. Springer.
Ortiz de Gortari, A.B (March 14, 2019). Exploring the dimensions of involuntary phenomena with videogame content. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences. Liège, Belgium.
GTP was cited in studies about dreams, dissociations, identity, executive control and predicting coding, and exploratory behaviour in VR.
- Relationships between video game play factors and frequency of lucid and control dreaming experiences.
- The Physical, Emotional, and Identity User-Avatar Association with Disordered Gaming
- Expectation of reward differentially modulates executive inhibition
- Dissociation in Problematic Gaming: a Systematic Review
- User-avatar bond profiles: How do they associate with disordered gaming?
- Narratologie in Computerspielen
- Seeing possibilities for action: Orienting and exploratory behaviors in VR