24-26 September. Outlining theoretical underpinnings of Game Transfer Phenomena. CYPSY27: 27th Annual Cyberpsychology, Cybertherapy and Social Networking Conference, Arizona, USA
8-10 July. Symposium on GTP with 5 studies (The UK, Poland, USA, Australia, China) at 9th ICBA in Gibraltar: Changes in cognition, perceptions, and behaviours provoked by gaming: assessment tools, risk factors, and video game features
23-25 August. Game Transfer Phenomena, esports and clinical cases. 8th International Conference on Behavioural addictions, Korea.
28 May-1 June. Game Transfer Phenomena, ADHD and clinical cases. Royal Australian & New Zeland Congress of Psychiatry 2023. Australia.
22 May 12th Swedish Congress on Internet Interventions at Uppsala university. A transdiagnostic ecological momentary intervention for esports players. Sweden.
22 June- 2nd Symposium on Game Transfer Phenomena. 7th International Conference of Behavioural Addiction,UK.
2 December – Pannelist. UN Women virtual event “Combatting Gender-Based Violence in Online Gaming: Towards an Inclusive and Safe Space for All”. Join the online event by free.
22 Sep- Interplay between involuntary phenomena with & without
media content: Habits, isolation and mood factors during COVID. ECHR part of the International Consortium on Hallucination Research (ICHR).
1st Sep- Pannelist. Global Esport Executive Summit. GEES2021
7th July- Symposium: Game Transfer Phenomena: An Emerging Field of Study into the Impact of Digital Imagery and Simulations. The British Psychological society- Cyberpsychology Section
April- European Congress of Psychiatry
“Pain and gain of auditory intrusions with video game content: Game Transfer Phenomena in Clinical Cases”
Interview on Game Transfer Phenomena with Flavio Escribano- Gecon
July- Develop Brighton: Transfer of Gaming Experiences: Considering the Impact of Game Design Beyond Gameplay”

May 14th – Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences. “Exploring the dimensions of involuntary phenomena with videogame content”
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