Assassin's Creed IRL
“I can think of one thing there is a game called ‘Assassin’s Creed’ in which you move a lot in big crowds of people. The method of doing so efficiently is that he kind of gently pushes everyone out of the way. I remember feeling an urge for doing so […]
LA Noire IRL
“I get different answering options as a picture in my head. My sister insulted me in some way, and I thought ‘What am I going to answer? And I see it as options in my head” (Eva, 16 years).
Rewind Time- Prince of Persia
“After completing prince of persia: sands of time, when i accidently dropped a sandwich with the butter side down, i instantly reached for the “R2″ button. my middle finger twitched, trying to reach it. Only to discover that i didnt have a PS2-controller in my hands” (Milton, 19)
Super Mario IRL
“I was walking in the woods near my home and i just wanted to walk on the path becuse then its less likely to get attacked my mobs” (Linus, 19). In the Game from Alex Gansert on Vimeo.
Mirror's Edge
“Mirror’s Edge though, a similar game. I usually try to overcome differend obstacles, like small fences, by running and jumping the same way I would do in the game” (Alex, 15)
Heavy Rain
“After playing the game I felt I was the character so i moved like the character. I imagined myself in this menu and chosed the topics I should think about (Simon, 15)
Portals IRL
Some players have reported looking for portals whatever they go.
Automatic thoughts (GTA, Starcraft, Mario Kart)
“Sometimes me and my sister joke when we are driving if a really old lady going through the street very slowly and I wish it was Grand theft auto and we could run her over and keep going…It is a lite bit sick…” (Erick, 21) Jared Plays Grand Theft Auto […]
Arranging things as in Tetris
“When i pack i often place my things like tetris blocks. And make it into a game… It becomes more fun then before…”(Simon, 15).