DEVHR. Foro Internacional del Video Juego (Cuidad de Mexico, 2016)

Automatic mental actions and behaviours in Game Transfer Phenomena

The psychosocial implications of Game Transfer Phenomena: An empirical study
I had the opportunity to present at the XI Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies in UK to share my research and how more than 10 years ago I started to be interested in research about interactive media technology. It was an emotional moment. This was a fantastic event where outstanding research was presented by Mexican students. Originality, dominion of the scenery and the level of English was excellent. They seriously made me very proud.

“Altered Visual Perceptions Induced by Video games”

17th Annual CyberPsychology & CyberTherapy Conference (Brussels, Belgium 2012)

Psychosocial implications of alterperception in game transfer phenomena

Game Transfer Phenomena: Visual after effects of immersion in the virtual world

I didn’t expect this!!! I have never seen myself in such a big format before ;). The poster is related to my current PhD project, Game Transfer Phenomena and can be found in the university campus of UDEM, where I got my license as psychologist in Monterrey, Mexico. This definitely made my day!

Exploring Game Transfer Phenomena in Young People

Contextualizing Game Transfer Phenomena in learning and health issues
Ortiz de Gortari, A.B; Aronsson, K & Griffiths, M. D (2011). Game Transfer Phenomena in Video Game Playing: A qualitative interview study. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning.
Vitae Midlands Hub. Regional Poster Competition 2011. Regional Finalist.Download: Game transfer Phenomena_study1
Ortiz de Gortari, A; Griffiths, M.D (2011) Using Online Interview with young people: Exploring the Game Transfer Phenomenon. Poster. Conference. General Online Research 2011. March 14-16, 2011, Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf
Ortiz, de Gortari, A (2010) Targeting the Real life Impact of Virtual interactions: The Game Transfer Phenomenon 42 video games players’ experiences. Master Thesis. Stockholm Univeristy. Supervisor. Karin Aronsson.
Wow, what a collection of presentations! Congratulations!
Thanks Annegret!!!