“Person Pinball” was first shown at the 2011 Animation Block Party Film Festival in New York City.
Real Life XBOX Achievements
What if Real life had portals?
What If" – Real life had video game sound effects?
Mega64:Rise of nigthmares
Splinter Cell Ad "Radness Overload"
Tetris-ized – Nintendo's Ad
Assassin's Creed IRL
“I can think of one thing there is a game called ‘Assassin’s Creed’ in which you move a lot in big crowds of people. The method of doing so efficiently is that he kind of gently pushes everyone out of the way. I remember feeling an urge for doing so […]
LA Noire IRL
“I get different answering options as a picture in my head. My sister insulted me in some way, and I thought ‘What am I going to answer? And I see it as options in my head” (Eva, 16 years).
Rewind Time- Prince of Persia
“After completing prince of persia: sands of time, when i accidently dropped a sandwich with the butter side down, i instantly reached for the “R2″ button. my middle finger twitched, trying to reach it. Only to discover that i didnt have a PS2-controller in my hands” (Milton, 19)