We will need to wait a little bit more to have this kind of toys easily at home. (Which one do you prefere?)However, the perception of pixelated icons appears to be quite common among frequent video game players. The holograms are here!? The mind is amazing! Wait until you read […]
Read about GTP in Spanish- University of Monterrey (UDEM)
A muchos jóvenes les ha pasado que el tiempo se les hace agua frente a un juego de video, pero algunos de ellos, cuando van a la calle o a dormir, siguen avistando soluciones a acertijos o la estructura de pasillos de algún first-person shooter. Read more…
Portal Christmas & Happy New Year 2012!
Portal Christmas Tree by Ryan Kelly, Jason Roberts and Chris Schuster.
GTP article in the New Scientist

My research on Game Transfer Phenomena was featured in the New Scientist 23/31 December 2011. “Game of life” by Sally Adee. You can read the online version of the article “Level-up life: how gaming can enhance your reality” IT WAS mid-January and the roads in New York were slick with […]
BBC "Click" – Podcast: Violence & video games
Click here to hear the program “Click” from BBC World Service (right-click to download). This particular show was about violence and video games, where I was invited to talk about GTP. The second part of my participation starts at 19:10. Introduction to the first of the show: “Just how damaging are violent video games […]
Angry Birds- Pistachios Ad
Mario Kart IRL
Gamer Commute
Mexican report about GTP
Here is a report done by the interactive magazine Reporte Indigo in Mexico about GTP. The report is called La vida como un videojuego (Life as a video game).
Portal: No Escape
Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg