I want to share the good news with you. I have successfully defended my PhD thesis and I’m officially about to become a doctor!

I decided to pursue a PhD because it would allow me to continue with my research but I didn’t thought it would be such a rich experience in the full extense of the word.

I want to thank all who in one way or another have participated and contributed to my research. Gamers’ comments, critics, videos, cartoons, news and poetry enriched my days as a PhD student and strengthen my commitment to contribute to society through my research. Thanks to all of you who have made it possible for me to build up a new path for exploring my professional passion.

If you are curious you can read my full acknowledgement included in my thesis.

Keep tuning in to know about the next step in my research about GTP.

GTP resarch_pilars


4 thoughts on “Achievement unlocked – PhD completed!

  1. ¡Felicidades Angie! (iba a escribir “werita” pero no se vería tan “pro” y me haría ver como un igualado irrespetuoso… ja).
    Un escaloncito más, tienes mi admiración y respeto. Espero que tu investigación la publiques en español (en caso de que aún no la tengas), porque my english chafea a lot….
    ¡Te mando un afectuoso abrazo!
    Daniel =)

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