Tetris film & Game Transfer Phenomena

“I played for five minutes, I still see falling blocks in my dreams”  The above is a line from the trailer for the “Tetris” movie. Jeffrey Goldsmith, described the Tetris Effect in Wired 1994: The Tetris effect is a biochemical, reductionistic metaphor, if you will, for curiosity, invention, the creative […]

Game transfer Phenomena after playing Pokémon video games

“When playing Pokémon, I would suddenly run into long grass hoping to find some rare animals there” Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) have been reported in over 400 unique titles. These include both old and modern video games. I think we will hear GTP experiences from gamers playing Pokémon GO as […]

GTP Adventures – Your steps are limited

Have you found yourself automatically applying the logic of the game in real life? This has happened to some gamers. This type of experience appears to have occurred typically in relation with repetitive activities in the game. For example turn based games where you need to count steps and wait […]